The Benefits of Using KAATSU for Athletic Performance

Nat Niddam interviewed Steven Munatones on her March 21st 2023 podcast. They covered a wide ranging field of topics, including the benefits of using KAATSU for peak athletic performance. Niddam covers the latest research and interviews experts across the areas of peptides, epigenetics, actionable biohacking, data-driven health and much more. Listen to the 1 hour 23 minute podcast here . Steven Munatones : A Southern California native, born 1962, is the creator of the WOWSA Awards , Oceans Seven , Openwaterpedia , Citrus Corps, World Open Water Swimming Association , Daily News of Open Water Swimming , Global Open Water Swimming Conference . He is Chief Executive Officer of KAATSU Global and Editor of the KAATSU Magazine . Inductee in the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame (Honor Swimmer, Class of 2001) and Ice Swimming Hall of Fame (Honor Contributor - Media, Class of 2019), recipient of the International Swimming Hall of Fame's Poseidon Award (2016), In...